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Proud to Partner with DDC

Baby Gender Reveal are Proud to have Partnered with

DNA Diagnostics Center, also known as DDC, who are one of the leading and most highly accredited genetic-testing laboratories in the world. Apart from providing Peekaboo testing, they also provide comprehensive DNA-testing services in four areas:

  • Paternity and family relationships.
  • Fertility testing.
  • Lifestyle testing, including ancestry and health/wellness.
  • Pets and veterinary.

DDC was founded in 1995 on the belief that the technological advancements in DNA testing should translate into services that are accessible and affordable to everyone. Today, hospitals and clinics, government agencies, the legal community, law enforcement, and consumers from all over the world trust the results from our high-quality DNA tests.

What Makes them Different

Three Ps: Their People, Their Processes, and their Passion for helping others.

Their People

Over 350 dedicated staff at the Cincinnati, Ohio, laboratory and at their satellite offices across the United States and in the UK come to work with one goal in mind: to help answer customers important life questions by providing top quality and accurate testing services with caring and compassionate service. It’s a challenge they proudly accept every day.

Their Processes

Scientists and service teams have established tried and true processes and maintained best practices in their laboratory and the company as a whole. Always maintaining the highest levels of accreditation and reputation in the industry that are unsurpassed. Never resting on their laurels, they stay up to date and constantly strive to make their processes better.

Their Passion

Helping good people answer difficult questions about family relationships or their health is incredibly rewarding, and it takes energy and resolve from everyone at DDC to develop helpful products and provide accurate results that are often life-changing. Many employees have been with the company for decades because they are committed to making a difference for fellow humans in need. It’s their passion for helping others.


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